Transporte de mascotas

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Les ofrecemos el servicio cómodo de transporte de mascotas puerta a puerta, asegurándonos que cada mascota reciba la atención individual que se merece.
Nuestro personal está capacitado para asegurar que su mascota llegue a su destino seguro, y en una condición saludable, libre de estrés. El agua dulce está disponible durante todo el viaje, así como comidas ligeras y golosinas. A los perros se camina cada 3 horas durante el día.
Le recomendamos que proporcione una cama suave o una manta con un olor familiar y una comida sabrosa para comodidad de su mascota.
Sus mascotas están en buenas manos!!!
Esperamos poder ser de ayuda para usted y su mascota.
Si tiene alguna pregunta – contacte con nosotros para obtener más información.

What you need to do if your pet is entering the UK/IRELAND.


Step 1 – Have your pet microchipped – Before any of the other procedures for pet travel are carried out, your pet must be fitted with a microchip so it can be properly identified.

Step 2 – Have your pet vaccinated – After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. The length of the waiting period before entry to the UK is 21 days after the first vaccination date.

Step 3 – Get pet travel documentation – For animals being prepared in an EU country, you should get an EU pet passport.

Step 4 – Tapeworm treatment – (dogs only): before entering the UK, all pet dogs must be treated for tapeworm. The treatment must be administered by a vet not less than 24 hours and not more than 120 hours (1-5 days) before its scheduled arrival time in the UK. There is no mandatory requirement for tick & flea treatment.

We request that all owners of cats and dogs administer the tick & flea treatment prior to us collecting.

Step 5 – Medical Certificate – This needs to be done by a vet between 1 to 5 days prior to pets entering the UK, to show that your pet is in good health to travel.

What you need to do if your pet is leaving the UK/IRELAND.


Step 1 – Have your pet microchipped – Before any of the other procedures for pet travel are carried out, your pet must be fitted with a microchip so it can be properly identified.

Step 2 – Have your pet vaccinated – After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. The length of the waiting period before leaving the UK is 21 days after the first vaccination date.

Step 3 – Get pet travel documentation – For animals being prepared in an EU country, you should get an EU pet passport.

Step 4 – Medical Certificate – This needs to be done by a vet between 1 to 5 days prior to pets leaving the UK, to show that your pet is in good health to travel.

Step 5 – Tick & Flea Treatment – We request that all owners of cats and dogs administer the tick & flea treatment prior to us collecting.